Hilfe & FAQs

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Um Hilfe zu unseren Produkten zu erhalten, schreiben Sie uns bitte an service@angelcaregroup.com .

You can purchase Angelcare® products at a variety of retailers. Consult our Where To Buy page to find a retailer near you.

One LED converts about 95% of its energy into light and therefore does not emit heat, unlike a conventional bulb. LEDs save energy thanks to very low consumption. Angelcare® night lights consume between 0.25 and 3 watts (it’s good for the planet and for the wallet). In addition, LEDs have a very long lifespan: almost 10 years!

All Angelcare® bath products are really easy to use and clean. Before and after each use, ensure both the Angelcare® bath product and the bath are clean and free from any oil or residue. This will prevent the bath product and baby from slipping.

When bath time is over, use a clean damp towel to wipe the bottom part of the Angelcare® bath product.
To keep your Bath Support in great condition, we recommend it's stored using the hanging hook at the rear of the product.

Keep it in a dry and ventilated area to keep its original shape.

Please click the "?HELP" button on the bottom right of your screen and fill out the help request form. Our customer service team will assist you. Additionally, you can find helpful information on our Angelcare® Help Center page.

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